Who is it for?

  • Are you scared to let go of tracking?

    Have you tracked for so long, that the thought of letting it go feels uncertain? Does it provide a sense of control?

  • Do you struggle to socialise or eat differently last minute?

    You haven’t planned to go out for dinner, or for those last minute brunch plans, so rather than mess up your macros or risk overeating, you’d rather skip it all together.

  • Do you count calories, even when you try not to track?

    You’re sitting at the table with your family for a meal out and can’t help but add up the calories in your head.

  • Do you think about food, a lot?

    Outside of meal times, you find your mind wondering towards what you’ll eat later, or ruminating and feeling guilt over your earlier choices.

  • Worried about weight gain if you're not tracking?

    If you stopped tracking, you think you’d just eat whatever you like, and that would mean overeating, right? Because you’ve just got such a big appetite.

  • Every time you stop tracking, you overeat?

    Tracking keeps you ‘on track’. It stops you from overeating and whenever you’ve removed in the past, you’ve found yourself eating more than you’d like and sometimes, that feels out of control.

“I’m loving being super aware and mindful of what I’m eating and feeling free to choose whatever I really need due to not feeling restricted by tracking, and totally free from guilt.” Chloe.

What’s included

  • Nutritional programming

    You’ll start with some rough nutritional programming and evidence-based healthful guidelines. Over the 8 weeks, you will be guided to gradually reduce your reliance on tracking whilst implementing these guidelines and becoming more intuitive with your choices.

  • 8 mini lectures to support awareness of internal cues

    Learn to identify your hunger and fullness signals, and differentiate these from emotional hunger and other environmental reasons for eating.

  • 8 mini lectures to develop mindfulness & self-compassion

    Learn to develop mindfulness of eating and your thoughts and lean into the often uncomfortable process of developing self-compassion (and gain awareness of what this really looks like).

  • Journal prompts & worksheets to support your relationship with food

    Develop awareness around learned behaviours, identity your reasons for tracking beyond the surface level of managing intake, develop emotional regulation strategies, develop interoceptive awareness and challenge internal narratives and beliefs.

  • Exclusive podcasts

    Exclusive podcast episodes with Emilia and Anna to soothe your worries throughout the process and links to the ETPHD podcast episodes that will support you best.

  • Exclusive meditation tracks

    Emilia guides you through meditation sessions designed to support your relationship with food and trust in your body.

  • Optional one-to-one calls with Anna, the ETPHD Head Coach

    Anna is the head of the Transition to Track Free programme and at various points throughout your journey, you will have the opportunity to book a call with her to discuss your progress so far and ask any questions about your journey.

  • Access to the private ETPHD Facebook group

    And with that, access to all the ETPHD team coaches. This group is exclusively for members of the ETPHD coaching community and offers support by likeminded people going through similar journeys.

“I'm really proud of my mindset towards life now. How well I have dealt with removing tracking completely after being so reliant on MFP for so many years. It’s because I finally feel like I fully trust myself around food and don’t need reassurance from an app.” Kate

Frequently asked questions

  • How long is the course?

    Although the course is self-paced, we recommend giving a full 8 weeks to the process to ensure you have time to implement the tools and give yourself the space to lean into the tasks.

  • Will I check in with a coach?

    This course is self-led and distinct from one-to-one coaching. You will have an opportunity to book a call with Anna throughout the course, should you wish to discuss your own journey further. We do recommend this, although it is not essential.

  • What if I get stuck?

    Please use the ETPHD private Facebook group to ask questions - you’ll have access to all the coaches as well as other clients of the ETPHD method. You can also contact Anna (anna@emilia.fitness) at any time.

  • Is this an intuitive eating course?

    No. Although many of the principles of intuitive eating have been incorporated within this course, intuitive eating is a very specific weight-natural and anti-diet approach to nutrition. You will however, darn to eat intuitively (semantics!).

  • What if I think I would benefit from coaching?

    We are more than happy to chat to you about more structured, individual one-to-one support with the ETPHD method. Email Emilia or Anna to chat about this (emilia@emilia.fitness; anna@emilia.fitness).

  • Will I lose access after a certain time?

    No. You will have access to this course content for as long as you choose.

  • Are there payment options?

    Yes. You can sign up via a one off payment or in two monthly instalments.

  • I'm a coach - can I use these techniques to support my own clients?

    We appreciate that many of you look to the ETPHD method to gain methods to support your own clients. These methods have been specifically developed for clients of the ETPHD method, by our coaches. We strongly recommend that you develop your own methods for your own clients. However, we welcome other coaches onto this programme with good faith, openness and a collective goal of doing our best to support as many people as possible in their relationships with food.

“I’ve gone from weighing and tracking every gram or ml and not being able to eat or drink without MFP telling me it’s ok, to not tracking a single thing. More importantly, not knowing doesn’t scare or panic me.” Jess