Free simple ways to remove the guilt from your cake

There’s been a lot of cake this week,
Although let’s get specific,
I mean doughnuts,
And cake.

My brother and I do this regularly when I come home to Scotland,
It’s our jam,
Doughnut dates and coffee with a drive,
Listening only to Jack Johnson is the icing on top,
Because things are better when we’re together.

My mum went to her Indian clubs class on the beach,
If you don’t know then look that shit up because it is wild,
Brought me back a surprise cake,
A chunky monkey peanut butter blondie,
And my word,
It was chunky nut buttery heavenly porn.

I was reminiscing on days when this stuff would be an issue,
When I wouldn’t have that doughnut date on a rest day,
I’d resent my mum for bringing me a gift of however many calories,
Because I had to be polite and eat it,
Even though I didn’t want it.

Obviously I always wanted it, I just didn’t want to want it.

The memories of moving like a jellyfish to Jack Johnson,
If you don’t know ‘Bubble Toes’ by Jack, then get to know because it’s a classic,
The joy I got seeing the joy my mum felt from my genuine appreciation for the cake.

I know it sounds silly,
But genuinely,
These are the moments I live for,
They fill me up more than any extravagant meet up or my ironically hideous Balenciaga’s.

Funny, isn’t it?
We think transforming our relationship with food means we feel at peace,
Which is does,
But what we don’t realise,
Is that when we find that peace,
It makes space for us to find so much more joy in the little moments,
The little moments that make for a wholehearted life.

I’ve realised recently that often on my socials,
In my blogs,
I forget to cover the basics,
The things you can do day-to-day to support your relationship with food.

So this week,
My blog is shorter than my fuse before my period,
Because I want to link you to these things,
Give you hours of free fresh content instead.

The Not So Fit Couple podcast was 90 minutes of great chat on binge eating, common struggles and the problems with social media.

The In an Imperfect World podcast was an hour of the diet vs. anti-diet debate and common reasons why people struggle to diet well.

The Dan Wynes Fitness podcast covered spotting the signs of disordered eating and how to diet in a healthy way (this was also Dan’s first video recording for spotify and he didn’t warn me beforehand and let me just say never do this to anyone it is mean when they have to draw on an eyebrow or two).

Personal trainers and health and fitness professionals,
I also wrote this article for you,
It’s a must read on your relationship with food,
Of course my opinion is entirely biased when I say it’s a must-read but I stand by it.


This changed my life and my fertility journey.


No one is forcing you to change your health