The weekly perspective

One question to ask yourself


What do my actions say about my character?

Actions are character. Yours, theirs. Words are not. I wonder how much time you've wasted on people based not their words, not their actions. I wonder too, what a person would say about your character, based on your actions over the past 7 days...?

Something to consider

Our lives are measured in adventures, not years

Routine will shorten your life - when every single day is almost exactly the same, by the end of your life, you'd have only lived just one day. Throughout our life, we retain only a snapshot of what we've lived - the highlights.  We live only so far as our stories... Novelty and emotional intensity work together to create lasting memories. Emotionally charged experiences lead to richer encoding, such that living a dull life shortens your life... This doesn't mean ditch your routine and supportive life, but I do wonder, what small moments of adventure you can bring into your day?

One thing I'd tell my younger self.

Solving the problem means moving ahead & confronting new even scarier problems - Seth Godin

It might be easier to stay where we are, marinating in our stuck. It''s 7am and I've already had this conversation twice with people whose fear of change means they're choosing to stay where they are. It's a universal challenge with 2 outcomes - stay where you are, or feel the fear and take action anyway. 

One thing to try this week


Break your routine

Add some adventure, an emotionally charged experience. Break out of your routine in any way that's accessible for you. Expand your core memories. Lengthen your life (relatively speaking)

A few things to tell you...

What are you doing this Saturday? It's the ETPHD day of body reconnection, the only chance this year to have all the ETPHD coaches in one room to answer your every question & help you reconnect with your body. There are 7 tickets left, so if you're not doing anything next Saturday, come along (solo attendees encouraged, most people are!)

Get your tickets and find out more here

Considering a summer diet? Make sure to read this before you do

And get help from us by completing this form 

How do you learn what's best for you & even begin to prioritise that over others' needs? Find out here

Is your chronic pain linked to PCOS? Is inflammation the missing piece in your health journey? Find out here

How much weight is actually healthy to gain during pregnancy? Why do you want to have sex more than ever? Or maybe the opposite is true & the idea makes you want to do anything BUT - listen here

How do you handle a lack of creativity when you need it for work? How can you get it back? Do you feel guilty for not doing your best in your business? Listen to this 

One more thing...

Please share your favourite stuff.

Thank you all for continuing to share your favourite Monday email quotes. I see them all. I know how much I love seeing impactful quotes from strangers, so it means a lot that you allow me to hopefully be that person for someone else. f there's something you really relate to or know someone who'd benefit from something in this email, please share it and pay it forward. Words are magical, and if I've learned anything from writing these emails to you for years, you never know when someone needs to hear the exact thing you've got to say. 


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